Friday, July 18, 2008

Potty Training

The other day at daycare, Josh had a bm in his pull up while laying down for nap. He then got up and asked his daycare provider to "change his diaper". I decided at this point that he is too old to be wearing pull ups all of the time, because he sees them as a diaper. Yesterday I sent him to daycare in underwear, with plastic pants for added back up. He made it ALL day without having an accident, even through nap time. Today we did the same and managed to even go to Meijer and have another accident free nap. I'm VERY excited! I've been building up the big boy underwear thing and we've talked about having 5 days dry and then getting a new bike (which I already have in the basement, but Josh has not see in yet). I do not expect Josh to stay dry at night, just during the day. He is not very self aware so he rarely asks or tells when he has to go to the bathroom, just bm and that's not all of the time.

Jeff is off to Cadillac this weekend, working on a habitat house. So tomorrow the boys and I are off to the lake. I think tonight, when my sister and nephew come over, we are going to go to the mall and get some more big boy underwear. (Keeping Lightning McQueen dry has been a very successful motivator)

1 comment:

Mandi said...

It's always so great when the ids finally get it! And yeah for one less child in diapers!!